The Mountain And Its Rainforest
Hans Rabani's Articles In Blogging
February 11, 2004 by Hans Rabani
The question is, can we have sex without love? Or can we love without sex? Why am I asking this? I don't know. It's just that, sometimes I came across statements,coming from women saying that men need sex more than women.And the other day, a woman asked me whether sex could be "not" in the male+female equation. But another woman said, if a man didn't want to have sexual relationship with the woman he loved, probably there is something wrong with him. Then again, it might be a good or ideal situ...
February 10, 2004 by Hans Rabani
We still don't get it. While pretty much half of this world population is talking/commenting/arguing/criticizing about whatever the other half is doing, the world we lives in, is definitely not getting better. Try no where. Even some countries are thinking of sending and starting a new mankind, either on the Moon or better yet, Mars. The truth is, us human, in just about anywhere in this planet, or the Universe for that matter, is mucking up things up,just about where he is located or relocated....