The Mountain And Its Rainforest
Can't have without the other...
Published on February 11, 2004 By Hans Rabani In Blogging
The question is, can we have sex without love? Or can we love without sex?
Why am I asking this? I don't know. It's just that, sometimes I came across statements,coming from women saying that men need sex more than women.And the other day, a woman asked me whether sex could be "not" in the male+female equation. But another woman said, if a man didn't want to have sexual relationship with the woman he loved, probably there is something wrong with him. Then again, it might be a good or ideal situation to another woman, especially the woman before.

Frankly and personally and bite me if you disagree,sex and love has to go together. Its pretty much like fish and chip, chicken and egg, milk and cookie, and evidently, for obvious reason, man and woman. Sex without love is, well still fun and exciting, but fell short of a good hearty wholesome meal. Its like having a meal but the food is well, exciting but, for the moment. Whereas, love without sex is, to a point, pretty pointless.You love to eat but the food is nowhere. Pretty soon, you will be hungry.

But sex and love, is like driving a performance car,to a place where the sceneries are breathtaking and you are a pretty good driver. Just as you hadn't had anything to eat for a long while, your favorite meal is sitting in front of you and you have no other plan. Either the car and the food, is going to enjoy being enjoyed.

Imagine if you will, the woman you love is waiting for you in bed. And she is not waiting for anything else but love making with you. She also knows, you would take your very sweet time to enjoy her. You are voracious for her, you have no other plan and the night is very young. Take your time.
on Feb 11, 2004
ClapClap. you got my vote.

i am currently working on the idea of sex with sympathy and friendship instead of Love and the devotion
it brings. ....and i am a lil scared about it not working out at all.

...i really like the woman, or at least i feel like that.
But i lost the great-love of my life nearly a year ago...., so i am too scared to risk love to have one of the best things
life offers. SEX.

on Feb 12, 2004
I prefer sex and devotion. Pretty ancient methodology but so is our biology/physiology but not our psychology. I would like to find a woman, who knows how to be loved and knows how to appreciate it. And who knows how to adapt and improve based on what I feel for her. Remember the first girl you took an interest a long time ago. You practically improved on just about anything on you just so the girl liked you.

Sex is not an offer, a reward or a trade. Its a symbiosis. I made love a long time ago with my first crush and even though we didn't make it, we still keep in touch on a daily basis. And still talk about how we feel and what we want to be. And conclussively, sex is a three letter word for love making. Let's go back to basic. We just need to give it another try without consorting to a different paradigm. Something needs a little more time and efforts, don't you think?