The Mountain And Its Rainforest
C'est La Vie
Published on February 10, 2004 By Hans Rabani In Blogging
We still don't get it. While pretty much half of this world population is talking/commenting/arguing/criticizing about whatever the other half is doing, the world we lives in, is definitely not getting better. Try no where. Even some countries are thinking of sending and starting a new mankind, either on the Moon or better yet, Mars. The truth is, us human, in just about anywhere in this planet, or the Universe for that matter, is mucking up things up,just about where he is located or relocated.

There must be a better way to live than what we are doing. There must be something wrong somewhere, either in the society we are in, or maybe, in us itself. In me for instance.

I guess we human are pretty homicidal. Was there a decade in any of the previous centuries, human actually had lived in peace, for, say 10 years? Or was there a time when we human, didn't actually need to kill anyone for, say 10 years.Why do we need to kill anyone, and why one human needed to do whatever, so much so, other human wants to kill him for that.

Just like Saddam. Why he needed to do whatever, so much so, Bush with little excuse (or better yet, lie) could sent someones' father/uncle/brother/sister to get him. And to get kill in getting Bush's wishes done. Two world wars and the many wars before that, didn't teach us anything. It just taught us to make better weapons and tactics, but never in living better. It only taught us, to kill better.
on Feb 13, 2004
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